In the middle of trying desparately to finish one lot of work in order to start on another, I found myself typing the words "Job of the Day" into Google. Low and behold I get a list of search results linked to "Day Job". Upon clicking the Wikipedia result (the link above), I find this explanation:
"A day job is a form of occupation taken by a person in order to make ends meet while working another low-paying (or non-paying) job in their preferred career track. Archetypal examples of this are the woman who is working as a waitress for her "day job", while she tries to become an actress, and the professional athlete who must work as a laborer in the off season because he is currently only able to make the roster of a semi-professional team."
Well, I wonder how this works in practice. I haven't once had a 'day job' that hasn't kept me working into the nights and weekends, and am still struggling to get through the tasks of one of my day jobs (on this fine Sunday afternoon), to get one job closer to my professional job.