I was reading 'Art as Experience' today by John Dewey, whilst trying to figure out exactly what it is that we like when experiencing art. I came across this paragraph, which I felt expressed the essence of the 'Work not Working' project:
"The intelligent mechanic engaged in his job, interested in doing well and finding satisfaction in his handiwork, caring for his materials and tools with genuine affection, is artistically engaged. The difference between such a worker and the inept and careless burgler is as great in the shop as it is in the studio. Often-times the product may not appeal to the esthetic sense of those who use the product. The fault, however, is oftentimes not so much with the worker as with the conditions of the market for which his product is designed. Were conditions and opportunities different, things as significant to the eye s those produced by earlier craftsmen would be made." (5)
Hmmm... think about that the next time you get your oil changed.