Volunteers at Iceland's Fjölskylduhjalpin can't complain, they've had plenty of unpaid work to do. As the economic situation rapidly deteriorates, these happy workers are inundated with demand. In fact, according to Teppo Tiilikainen of Suomen Kuvalehti, the lines keep growing and growing. It's not just the unemployed and students who are lining up to get a bit of Fjölskylduhjalpin's good stuff, but also employed families who just don't seem to make 'ants meat' with what they're getting from the workplace.
So, if you're bored and looking for something to do, pop over to Iceland and take up a post at Fjölskylduhjalpin. Business is BOOMING, and they need all the hands they can get. And, if you happen to see David Oddson, send him Iceland's love.
Picture right taken from Suomen Kuvalehti: http://suomenkuvalehti.fi/Haku/?q=islanti